Making supplier data a competitive advantage



Making Supplier Data a Competitive Advantage


Taking TealBook to the Next Level

As an innovator in supplier data, TealBook found itself ready to take its business and its brand to the next level. A complete overhaul of its website was the ultimate goal, but the company knew it needed to build a stronger visual and verbal foundation for this upgrade to have maximum impact. TealBook partnered with Clear Digital to reimagine its visual style, messaging, and website and elevate its smart start-up brand to enterprise-scale sophistication and storytelling.


Recognized for Excellence

Addy New Logo

Tealbook Animation + Interactions

Gold & Judge’s Addy Award : Elements of Advertising

Addy New Logo

Tealbook Brand

Addy Award: Cross Platform

Addy New Logo

Tealbook Website Redesign

Gold Addy Award: Online/Interactive

Why Clear Digital?

We wanted to experience a return on our investment, and we were able to receive that within the first 15 days of launching our website. It was an incredibly fast and optimized visitor to lead conversion.
Stephanie Atkin VP of Marketing

Tealbook gets an 81% boost in pageviews.

Clear Digital's rebrand and website redesign for Tealbook, with improved navigation, user experience, visual storytelling, and performance, resulted in an 81% boost in pageviews.

Behind the Build

See how the TealBook redesign unfolded. TealBook and the Clear team talk about the asks, the inspirations, and how this powerful new look and feel came to life.

Graphic Color
Man with Chart

A Palette with More Possibilities

With the word ‘teal’ in its name, a radically different palette wouldn’t make sense. Instead, the design team brightened the company’s signature teal and added a secondary palette. With hits of yellow, blue, and red to complement the strong black and teal primary palette, the new look and feel has a boldness that grabs attention.


Creating Consistency in Typography

To align with the updated logo font, the Clear team created a typographical hierarchy to build a more branded impression across digital and offline assets. Lato was selected for the primary font because of its strong digital impact.

Graphic Chart

Deepening Perception with Patterns

To increase the impact of TealBook communications, the design team developed a variety of patterns to create greater visual depth. The updated visual style uses a lot of layering featuring the brand’s new secondary palette. With dots and floating card images, to draw upon, TealBook has more options for building visual interest across its communications.

Building a Compelling Messaging Foundation

One of the first steps in the redesign process was the development of a comprehensive brand platform with supporting messaging pillars. Clear Digital’s strategy team conducted online brand workshops with key members of the TealBook team to uncover and refine the company’s purpose, positioning, and promise. In addition, the team developed the core TealBook personality traits that helped shape both the refreshed visual style and voice. Clear Digital also defined key supporting messaging pillars in the process to reinforce the company’s differentiators and speak directly to the needs of its key markets.

Man with Graphic
Girl working on design
Canvas working

Meet TealBot!

TealBook had an existing icon for its chatbot, but wanted a more impactful character to help site visitors and app users find what they need using the power of machine learning. A piece of local graffiti of a robot on the TealBook headquarters was the inspiration for TealBot’s updated image. And with the power of animation, the Clear team brought him to life across all applications.


A Bolder, More Engaging Web Presence

The TealBook web effort was a complete rework of the site—from story flows to visual and graphic elements. The goal was to stand out from competitors and clearly showcase the power of TealBook technology. The visual approach leveraged contrasts to draw attention and guide the user journey. By integrating a more illustrative style, the company elevated its online storytelling and created a more compelling and hardworking site that delivers stronger stats and increased conversions.


Explaining Technology with Easy-to-Understand Infographics

One key addition to the TealBook site was an infographic that helped explain how the company’s technology integrated with existing systems. The TealBook marketing team had the concept for a layered depiction. Clear Digital designers and programmers brought it to life with expandable views and animations that visitors can use to explore what TealBook does.

Enhancing the Digital Story

Clear Digital developed comprehensive wireframes for the TealBook site that helped shape a more compelling customer journey. As a SaaS company, one key goal was to offer more robust content on the product pages to address the needs of different personas. The information architecture team brought forward a number of best practices to build a stronger narrative and guide the visitor more effectively.

women with pot
use by
 tealbook unless

Real Impact

The new TealBook brand story and messaging, refreshed look and feel, and improved website had an immediate impact on engagement. The company quickly saw more time spent on its pages and improved conversions.

+ 81 % Page Views
+ 37 % Average Session Duration
-10 % Bounce Rate

Technologies used:

Specially designed to deliver rich web content without the need for additional plugins.

The latest standard for CSS and completely backwards-compatible with all earlier versions.


The powerful JavaScript Library jQuery greatly optimizes JavaScript programming.


An open source content management system, built and supported by an active global community.


Cloud eCommerce platform with an open source ecosystem that extends beyond the shopping cart.